Friday, December 12, 2008

First class

After initially getting to the YMCA I ran into the Kung Fu instructor and a few other people waiting outside the main office for the activities coordinator. I was told there would be 6 people in my evaluation class but after the coordinator came out, and actually getting to the room, I had two students (including the coordinator) plus the Kung Fu instructor who decided to observe. Things could've gone better as I had a lesson plan that went out the window after we got stuck on the first wrist release. It was difficult getting the idea of not resisting across. If someone pushes you, don't push back, just walk back a step. The reason it was difficult was due to Janice (the activities coordinator) being hyper and stiff due to working out a lot. She had a hard time relaxing and moving slowly. The other person, Rhonda picked up things relatively quickly. Class was only half an hour since Rhonda had to leave. Afterwards the Kung Fu instructor said he had no questions, except where my certificate showing I'm qualified to be an instructor was. I called Pat to make sure, but we don't have teaching certificates. Black belts are expected to teach as part of their training according to Karl's website. I told them I had a couple of people who could vouch for me, but they seemed to want a piece of paper as proof. I'm supposed to chat Monday to work out a schedule as to when I can start.



Sounds like you're off to a great start! Working with a class of all beginners is a tough thing, especially without an uke to help demonstrate ideas. One thing you might try is to tell them to be so soft that it fails (I have yet to find that point). At this stage of the game, if you work a little ukemi and just one or two things a night you're doing a fantastic job.

Patrick Parker said...

Hey, John. my cellphone died today while we were talking...

sounds like a good start. those frustrations are common to all startup aiki classes. keep it up!

I got your shodan certificate in the mail today, John. I'll get it turned around in the mail to you again in a day or two...

Beleek said...

Im glad you got your first class done! Im still so excited for you...'s really gay about the certificate thing, but whatya gunna do... I know youll make a great teacher =)