Monday, June 14, 2010

This is WAY overdue

So the experiment failed...mostly due to lack of planning on how to actually load the videos on my part. For that, I apologize. I moved my mats over to mine and Andy's new apartment and we went over Honasu a few times. I don't know why, but this time I felt like doing Honasu over Nijusan, which almost never happens. Andy was going over the 2nd wrist release and mentioned that Pat had been showing him that you can either drop down uke in the hole (for more info go to, or that you can swing around like a door opening. I remembered something Bryce told me about a key to Judo being able to keep a little bit of tension to lead and follow with, but that slightest bit of tension needing always be there. I tried applying that to Honasu, especially number two, and to my surprise, it made all the difference for me in the world. Instead of dropping in the hole, I gave a LITTLE bit of tension then eased off and as uke came forward I re-established the tension after uke was SLIGHTLY more off-balance. I really need to get a camera. Typing this out doesn't do justice to what I'm trying to say.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


ok, our NEW SITE on BLOGSPOT makes it easier to post videos. The first video is up, and the rest will be tonight. We did not in face practice today due to trying to fix the videos from day one, lol. So to make up for it, tomorrow will be two hours and we'll probably do two hours the next day as well. Follow the new site, we're going to make a post at the wordpress one to redirect people there.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There's more

So yesterday we had our first hour of practice and recorded it...only we're having trouble posting it. It's an avi and even compressing it into an mp4 it'll take over 4 hours to post to any site. We're going to try posting it from the University to get day one up there. Does anyone have any suggestions for an easy way to get the video up there efficiently that we could do daily?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To anyone who checks here anymore

So me and Andy have started a new project now that he's up here in Washington state with me. It's called the JAproject. The idea is me and Andy will be practicing for at least one hour every day on two for a year and filming it. We will post a video of one hour every day (and two hours if we miss a day) on this new site. I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback from ANYONE interested.